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The Freetrail Podcast with Dylan Bowman

Nov 28, 2020

Mike Alfred is an old friend and personal inspiration of mine. He's a successful entrepreneur and dedicated athlete. Mike is currently the Co-Founder and CEO of Digital Assets Data and was previously the Co-Founder and CEO of BrightScope, which was acquired in 2016 for $30 million. 

In this conversation, we discuss...

Nov 24, 2020

Hayden Hawks is a professional ultrarunner from Utah. Just last weekend Hayden won and set the course record at the JFK 50 miler -- the oldest ultramarathon in the USA. In this conversation we talked about that performance, Hayden's recent move back to HOKA One One, his future goals and much more.


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Nov 18, 2020

Rachel Drake is a trail/ultra runner in Portland, OR. In addition she is an MD/PhD student at Oregon Health and Sciences University where she studies neonatal metabolism and is working on her dissertation. She recently finished second place at the Golden Trail World Championship in the Azores against some of the...

Nov 11, 2020

The Well gets political. Today we talk to Alec Garnett, an old friend of mine and the Speaker-elect in the Colorado state House of Representatives. We talk about the presidential election, senate races, environmental policy, the outdoor industry in CO and much more.
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